10 regular technology meetups in the East and West Midlands
At TechSparx, we decided to list 10 regular tech meetups in East and West Midlands, as they are a very effective networking technique and extremely valuable for the community. Through meetups, people share ideas, interests and build businesses, which is of great importance especially when it comes to technology. They all have something special about them and apart from having the best speakers and dealing with important issues, they are held regularly once a month. We encourage you to get out there and start meeting up!
Tech Nottingham
Date: once a month.
Place: Antenna, Beck Street, Nottingham
Description: A free meeting, no tickets required. Guest speakers.
Tech Wednesday
Date: once a month.
Place: iCentrum, Innovation Birmingham Campus, Faraday Wharf, Birmingham
Description: Each month they also have ‘Show ‘n Tells’, where a number of tech start-ups and individuals within the region present and demo innovative projects to the group for feedback and discussion. This month Tong Gu, Lauren Mathurin and Kari Lawler are speakers.
Nottingham Programmers Meetup
Date: once a month.
Place: The Keans Head, 46 St Mary’s Gate, Nottingham.
Description: Regular topics of conversation include languages, jobs, startup ideas, testing, choice of the editor – but plenty of other random stuff too.
HydraHack – Developer Meetup
Date: once a quarter, next meetup is to be announced.
Description: Each event takes a theme that reflects the hot topics of the industry, and you’ll hear a handful of talks and demos around that topic from specially curated guest speakers. Previously they’ve had talks on APIs, Server Automation, and Mobile Web Trends; expect more of the same & more.
Nottingham AI Meetup, the reboot
Date: once a month, on Tuesday.
Place: Accelerate places, The Poynt building, 45 Wollaton St, Nottingham
Description: Ideas sharing event, everyone gets a chance to talk and share.
brumPHP May: BDD, Behat Best Practices
Date: once a month, near the end of the month.
Place: Talis, 48 Frederick Street, Birmingham UK, B1 3HN
Description: Guest speaker is Ciaran McNulty Behat.
NetSquared Midlands
Date: once a month, on Thursday.
Place: Faraday Wharf, Innovation Birmingham Campus, Holt Street, Birmingham Science Park Aston, B7 4BB, Birmingham
Description: NetSquared Midlands is a tech for social good group with regular free events, organized by Pauline Roche and Ted Ryan for people interested in using web or mobile technology for social good. NetSquared Midlands is part of a global NetSquared (http://netsquared.org/) movement of innovators in more than 70 cities around the world.
Coding Wednesday
Date: once a month, on Wednesday.
Place: Fizzpop, Rea Studios, 90 Floodgate Street, Digbeth, B5 5SR, Birmingham
Description: There will be people on code academy, people following youtube tutorials and some using books. Come along and learn a language.
Robotics – Mini Robot Sumo
Date: once a month, on Wednesday.
Place: Fizzpop, Rea Studios, 90 Floodgate Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5SR
Description: This is a monthly Robotics night. Each month they will hold a Mini Robot Sumo competition. They also hope to expand the night to cover other aspects of robotics with each night have a different focus.
Fusion Technology Meetup – Birmingham
Date: quarterly meeting, on Thursday.
Place: Studio Venues, 7 Cannon St, Birmingham B2 5EP, UK
Description: Fusion is an informal social gathering of industry leaders and professionals that get together once a quarter to enjoy a variety of short, thought-provoking presentations and networking. The goal is to bring together an eclectic mix of people from CEO’s to developers and investors to project managers supported by a variety of short talks that aim to spark conversation and the next big idea.
Tech Nation on Tour: Birmingham
Although this isn’t a regular meetup, we thought it was a good one to consider attending.
Date: September 19th, 2018
Place: Custard Factory, Gibb Street, Birmingham B9 4AA
Description: Here is the event’s agenda. This event is an exclusive event for founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and tech ecosystem partners.